Hello Everyone, I hope you are all well. I have attached an invitation to all Franciscans to join a JPIC group which will meet every 2 months via Zoom. I would be most grateful if you could send it to your Fraternities for their consideration. It is not limited to one person per Fraternity or […]
Category: All Regions
Retreats Available at the Franciscan Centre Ladywell, Surrey
To book, please call: 01483 675575 We welcome day visitors and residential guests to our programmes.Email: franciscancentre@ladywell.org.uk Website: www.franciscancentre.org.uk
National Elective Chapter 14-16 October 2022
What a joyous event for the OFSGB. The National Elective Chapter has concluded with a new council. Our heartily thanks to Dina Shabalina, the International Councillor who presided at the Election.
National Elective Chapter 14-16 October 2022
We have new National Council Members for the next three years. Congratulations to All. From Left to Right Fr Donal Walsh Spiritual Assistant Fr John Cavanagh Spiritual Assistant Thelma Rogers Communication Officer Dianne Fisher Secretary Maureen Coulson Treasurer Liam Redmond Vice Minister Kathy Maskens Minister John Power Formation Bridgid Rawlinson Families & Youth Veronica Hughes […]
The angelic consolation of Saint Francis became a popular subject in the second half of the sixteenth century as a result of the church´s renewed appreciation of his mystical experiences, almost to the exclusion of the more picturesque episodes of the saint´s life that had characterised traditional iconography; for example, his encounter with the […]