On Saturday 30th November the Divine Mercy fraternity in Gibraltar held their Nativity play outside St Bernard’s church. Thanks to all the hard work from the fraternity and families it was a big success. They were accompanied by the choir from the Cathedral who generously agreed to sing. After the play the children had a […]
Category: London Region
JPIC – National Event
London Region are holding a JPIC National event on 2nd December with the theme CALLED TO BUILD A MORE FRATERNAL WORLD. Please read below for more details.
All things JPIC
Hi everyone Please find attached the link to the quarterly international JPIC magazine for viewing: http://www.ofmjpic.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Boletin_EN-1.pdf Veronica has also included a couple of links. 1.The first is about an Aboriginal leader visiting the Vatican for Australia’s Reconciliation Week. It relates to what we have spoken about in the JPIC group. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2023-05/ungunmerr-bauman-indigenous-aboriginal-vatican-pope-church.html 2.The second is information […]