Helping to fund Franciscan activities
The 100 Club is now being actively promoted again. It can be an entertaining diversion, provide useful prizes for the winners, and it helps fund franciscan activities in this country.
The 100 Club is open to both individual and fraternity membership, and members may have multiple entries – the more the merrier, as they say. It would be good if all fraternities considered taking at least one subscription. One fraternity has six subscriptions. Each entry costs £12.
The 100 Club subscription becomes due on the 1st January each year. The number and value of the prizes will depend on the number of members. We aim to return 40% to 50% of the proceeds in prizes with the remainder donated to help the work of the Secular Franciscan Order GB National Council.
Suggestions and Queries
Please email with any queries or questions, and any ideas you may have for developing the 100 Club. Perhaps you have experience of other 100 Clubs. They are quite common among clubs and societies.
Subscriptions may be made by cheque or bank transfer with details available from the 100 Club Administrator Maureen Coulson contactable via the above email address.
2023 Draw
For the 2023 draw, entries will be accepted to the end of June 2023. The draw will take place in the 3rd or 4th quarter 2023. We are continuing a drive to restore the previous levels of participation.
2022 Draw
The 2022 draw took place at the OFS GB National Chapter virtual meeting held 24 September 2022. Four prizes of £50 each were awarded to individual and fraternity entrants from around Great Britain