Documents of the Order


Please click on the links in red to open, to view and to download these documents.


The OFS Rule, General Constitutions, and Ritual 
The Rule, General Constitutions and Ritual of the Secular Franciscan Order 2021


The OFS Rule – Revised 2021
The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order

Original translation approved by the Franciscan General Ministers in their meeting of March 19, 1979

Annotated Rule of Life and Sources
Annotated Rule of Life and Sources

National Statutes (2018)
Statutes of the OFS National Fraternity of Great Britain.
Approved and ratified by the Presidency of the International Council 29 June, 2018.

Decree of Approval of the Statutes of the National Fraternity of Great Britain (29 June, 2018).

Letter accompanying the Decree of Approval of the Statutes of the National Fraternity of Great Britain (29 June, 2018).From the OFS Minister General, Tibor Kauser.


Memorial Propositi