Please consider making a donation to support the work of the Secular Franciscan Order in Great Britain.
While most of our work is done as the result of members generously volunteering their time, skills and energy there are also costs involved. Funds are necessary in order to compensate members for travel and accommodation expenses as we seek to maintain and build effective local and regional fraternities, and a real sense of a strong national fraternity.
We are also engaged in the development of Franciscan youth. Our Franciscan formation, our presence in the world, and the desire to promote and develop the Franciscan charism also call for our attention.
You may donate by making a bank transfer to the bank account of the national fraternity, or by sending a cheque to the national treasurer. Details are available from Or you may donate online, using the Donate button in the sidebar to the right, or by clicking donate below, to our Paypal account: but remember that in this case Paypal will deduct a fee of 3.4%.
Donations may also be made via wills and legacies. Contact us if you need any further information about this.
Please also include the Order in your prayers. Pray Generously for our work.