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August 2020

The Oxford Fraternity were delighted to welcome 6 new candidates on the 8th of August 2020. Although it was a little unusual holding the Admission ceremony over Zoom, it was a joyful, prayerful and memorable occasion.

Congratulations to Verdiana Banda, Jon Bowden, Clare Flanagan, Jimmy and Melinda Gray and Shimwaayi Muntemba. God has blessed us with 6 good people who will enrich our Fraternity as we learn and grow together in Christ in the footprints of St. Francis.

Those present from left to right are…
Top row: 1: Angela Hallam 2: Theresa Whiting and Deacon Bob Hughes 3: Michael Martin 4: Shimwaayi Muntemba (Candidate)
2nd row: 1: Fr. Stehen Innes 2: Sean Ward 3: Clare Flanagan (Candidate) 4: Richard Budgen
3rd row: 1: Eamonn Mcnamara 2: Lourdes Van Cuylenburg 3: Jimmy and Melinda Gray (Candidates) 4: Jon Bowden (Candidate)
4th row: 1: Richard Lawes 2: Verdiana Banda (Candidate)






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