Candidate (Initial) Major

The headings are: Contents, Preamble, Major Modules, Minor Modules

The Modules are divided into MAJOR and MINOR
The division of the Modules into ‘MAJOR’ and ‘Minor’ is not intended to signify ’important’ and ’less important’, but should be seen more in terms of music—with its major and minor keys—the minor introducing the “darker” [deeper shade] as one moves from the major to the more sombre of the minor. The time allocation for this approach and the depth will depend on considerations such as ability/interest/time available etc. for the individual in question and will be, in the final analysis, at the discretion of the Formator.

Table of Contents & Preamble

Major Module 1: Vocation, Charism & Mission 

Major Module 2: History of the OFS

Major Module 3: Elements of Ecclesiology & the Theology of the Laity

Major Module 4: Profession

Copyright © 2016 The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in Great Britain (OFSGB).

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