This section contains various resources and titles of useful booklets/articles/publications mentioned in footnotes or the text of the material to be found on the Visitor, Initiation (Enquirer) & Initial Formation (Candidate) pages.
Documents of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65):
Sacrosanctum Concilium, 1963 [SC]
– on the constitution of the sacred liturgy
Lumen Gentium, 1964 [LG]
– on the Church
Dei Verbum, 1965 [DV]
– on Divine Revelation
Gaudium et Spes, 1965 [GS]
– on the Church in the Modern World
Apostolicam Actuositatem, 1965 [AA] [pdf]
– on the Apostolate of the Laity
The Three Principal Texts
– which Francis & the earliest companions discovered by ‘random selection’ from the Gospels in
seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance:
1. Matt 19.21
2. Lk 9.3
3. Lk 9.23
Other Documents
Supra Montem (1289)
– English text of the bull of pope Nicholas IV; special reference to Candidacy, Module 2: History of the OFS, sheet 3
Most of the following material is imposed so that the documents may be printed and folded as A5 booklets
John Bradburne
– special reference to Candidacy Module 1:‘VOCATION, CHARISM & MISSION’, sheet 3
John Bradburne 1921-1979
Margaret Sinclair
– special reference to Candidacy Module 1: ‘VOCATION, CHARISM & MISSION’, sheet 3
Margaret Sinclair 1900-1925
What is Christian Formation & in Particular for us Secular Franciscans?
[Benedetto Lino OFS]
– an introduction to the Eight Modules for Candidacy [useful for Formators]
What is Christian Formation & in Particular for us Secular Franciscans?
Franciscan Spirituality in Seven Steps
[Joe Schwab OFM]
Franciscan Spirituality in Seven Steps
A Specific Vocation for a Particular Mission
[Benedetto Lino OFS]
Specific Vocation for a Particular Mission
As Franciscans we are Called to Serve. [What does it mean to us?]
[Benedetto Lino OFS]
As Franciscans we are Called to Serve
Franciscan Diversity! gift for the world
[Maurice Carmody OFM]
Franciscan Diversity!
Rich Man, Poor Man
[Daniel P Horan OFM]
Rich Man, Poor Man
What is Formation? – an introduction
[John Power’s leaflet from Crewe 2013]
– special reference to Candidacy Module 8: ‘What is Formation?’, sheet 1
What is Formation? – an introduction
Is every translation a vernacular translation?
[Prof Thomas O’Loughlin, University of Nottingham]
– useful for Formators
Is every translation a vernacular translation?
Spirituality for the Laity – a Secular Franciscan Perspective
[Donna Marie Kaminsky OFS]
Spirituality for the Laity – a Secular Franciscan Perspective
Finding Identity as a Secular Franciscan
[Edward M Zablocki OFS]
Finding Identity as a Secular Franciscan
Christian Meditation
Christian Meditation
Praying the Scriptures – a guide to lectio divina
Praying the Scriptures – a guide to lectio divina
THE BIBLE: [a breakdown of the Canon etc]
Using the Bible
THE BIBLE: [a breakdown of the Canon etc]
[Edward L Shirley]
[Tessa V Baker]
St Francis
[Therese A Ream]
St Francis
[Edward L Shirley]
[Sarah & Dan Mulholland]
[Charles Spencer]
Wolf without, Leper within
[author unknown]
Wolf without, Leper within